Good preparation is the key to achieving your breastfeeding goals
Prepare for the most important parenting role of your life!
Breastfeeding is normal and organic, but that doesn't mean it's easy! Breastfeeding is natural like walking, not like breathing. A baby learning to walk will put a lot of time and effort into it, and will still fall. Often. But they all or almost all end up walking. Likewise, sometimes breastfeeding requires information, effort and support for it to work well.
Don't put your breastfeeding at risk because of avoidable mistakes. There are so many parents who regret their lack of knowledge, and who cry while giving the bottle.
What if good preparation was the key to achieving YOUR breastfeeding goals? Get ready with The First Drops.
Thanks to short pre-recorded video clips, access all the information you need at the time you want and on the screen of your choice. Be ready, informed and confident to welcome your child and those first drops of love you will make, or learn how to better support breastfeeding mothers!
For whom?
My course is ideal for future and new parents!
Introduction aux Premières gouttes
Introduction aux Premières gouttes
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Votre corps est fait pour allaiter
1.3 Peu importe la forme de vos seins
Training content
No matter where you are in your breastfeeding journey, overcome the mountain of weaning little by little by learning all the stages and nuances of weaning:
The new stages of weaning
The weaning of the baby
Bottle acceptance
Withdrawal and return to work
Sudden weaning
Toddler weaning
Night weaning
The suckling strike
Natural weaning
The grief of breastfeeding
After the training, you will have a solid foundation to wean your child gently, according to the values and characteristics specific to your family.
You will know when to start, and how to proceed. You will make the decision to wean with full awareness and knowledge. You will know how to avoid mistakes, and stay tuned to your parental instinct.
As a bonus, I have videos for you on little-known aspects of breastfeeding and weaning, namely weaning from one breast, relactation and the return of fertility and weaning.
The program is offered to you in various formats, depending on whether you are parents or a perinatal organization.
Feeling ready, confident and in tune with your child
Après la formation, vous aurez des bases solides pour accueillir, prendre soin et allaiter votre nouveau-né.
Reprenez le contrôle de votre corps et de votre vie après la naissance de votre enfant.
Vous saurez ce qui est normal, et ce qui l'est moins. Vous ferez sûrement des erreurs, mais vous en éviterez bien plus!
Vous saurez quand écouter votre instinct, mais aussi quand et où aller chercher de l'aide, si besoin.
Si bébé est déjà arrivé, c'est toujours pas trop tard pour apprendre sur l'allaitement!
C'est même un cours parfait pour initier de nouvelles marraines d'allaitement, des intervenantes périnatales ou pour des professionnel.les de la santé intéressé.es par l'allaitement.
*Prenez note que je suis consciente que ce ne sont pas toutes les personnes qui accouchent ou qui allaitent qui se considèrent comme mères ou femmes. C'est pourquoi j'essaie d'avoir un langage qui se veut le plus inclusif possible, comme vous pouvez le constater dans la description de mon cours en ligne. J'apprécie la différence et j'applaudis le courage de l'accepter telle quelle.
Cela dit, puisque presque toutes les personnes qui allaitent se décrivent comme mères, et que ce rôle est extrêmement important pour elles, j'ai décidé de le garder dans mes propos.
Sachez que dans un contexte d'une consultation privée, j'utilise le pronom que les parents préfèrent.
$120 for 1 year unlimited
The training is given by Annabelle Boucher, IBCLC lactation consultant in private practice. The IBCLC Certified Lactation Consultant is a healthcare professional specializing in lactation.
Annabelle has supported several hundred families in their breastfeeding, whether prenatal, for specific problems or to make transitions, such as weaning. She is convinced that babies are born to be on their mother's breasts and that breastfeeding is an invaluable gift to give to your child.
Weaning is done one drop of love at a time, until the last drop!